Hollybush Conservation Centre, one of TCV’s green Hubs in Leeds, has a great Wildife garden. In December we are expecting an unusual increase in biodiversity, Santa’s Reindeer.
Rudolph is sending pre-school children off around the Hollybush Wildlife Garden in search of Reindeer to find a clue to help them get back to Santa. “Hello, I’m Rudolph. Santa’s Reindeer have been having a little rest and holiday in our wildlife garden before Christmas, here at Hollybush, but now Santa has sent me to fetch them home.”
Children will explore the wildlife garden to find all sorts of toy or decorative reindeer. For a small fee each child receives a Reindeer biscuit, a drink and a little bag of Reindeer food to take home after the activity. For mums, dads or grans the cafe is open for tea, coffee, cake and light lunches and we are selling handmade Christmas gifts.
The Reindeer Trail is open whenever the Cafe and Wildlife garden are – Tuesday to Friday 10.30 – 2.30 from December 2nd to December 18th when we close for the Christmas Holidays.