People on a corporate volunteering event with TCV

Corporate volunteering

Putting your organisation into the heart of communities

For over 15 years, organisations and their employees have been working with TCV successfully to transform local communities and green spaces.

In 2019 we facilitated corporate volunteering days for over 8,000 employees with activities as diverse as land management, creating ponds, sowing wildflower meadows, planting trees and constructing foot paths. Working together as one team, your employees can help transform, protect and care for community green spaces for everyone to enjoy.

As experts in outdoor volunteering activities, TCV have developed a range of corporate volunteering programmes that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of your company, your employees and your stakeholders.

At NatWest Group – where our purpose is to champion potential, helping people, families and businesses to thrive – we really value our 13-year partnership with TCV. Volunteering with TCV not only has a positive impact on the wellbeing of our employees and their teams, but it allows them to make a significant, positive difference to our natural environment and in our local communities.

Michael Duncan, Head of Giving Programmes

Learn new skills, connect with local communities and have fun!

Corporate volunteering days give your employees the chance to carry out practical and guided conservation work – improving green spaces for local communities to enjoy.

These bespoke and exciting team building programmes not only build team dynamics and staff morale; they also help your teams learn new skills, connect with local communities and have fun outside of the usual work environment.

5 benefits of corporate volunteering with TCV

  • Positively impacts the local community and environment
  • Increases employee motivation
  • Enhances employee skills and self-confidence
  • Improves team building and communication skills
  • Supports and delivers Environment, Social, and Governance objectives

There are costs involved in managing and delivering a safe, learning experience for your employees and for the materials required to help them make a sustainable impact on the environment.

Choosing to partner with TCV

  • With your support TCV can continue connecting thousands of people to our community green spaces and projects across the UK.
  • You will directly support projects making a difference to some of the most vulnerable and socially isolated people in society.
  • By partnering with TCV you will make a positive difference to local communities, for health and wellbeing, for nature and the environment.

Bespoke programme partnerships

TCV and our partners are delivering incredible, award winning creative programmes which make a tangible difference to communities, to people’s health, for the environment and for nature.

Some examples of our bespoke delivery:

  • I Dig Trees – Our national tree planting programme with OVO Energy. Since 2015 we have helped to distribute and plant over 1 million new native trees across the UK.
  • Health for Life – Our 5-year Midlands based community food growing project with Mondelez.
  • Greener London – Now in its 3rd year, TCV have supported the London GLA to deliver their annual tree planting programme.

OVO was looking for a national conservation partner with local reach. We chose TCV based on their fantastic network of partners and ability to activate and work with volunteers across the UK. In creating I Dig Trees with TCV, I have been consistently impressed with how flexible and pragmatic they have been as a partner. I can’t recommend them enough!

Justin DeKoszmovszky, Head of Sustainability - OVO Energy

Charity of the Year partnerships (COTY) & fundraising

TCV are always keen to explore and discuss COTY opportunities, we have delivered several close successful COTY partnerships with such as:

  • Wates Group – An ongoing 3-year partnerships, to date raising over £145K with the support of hundreds of their colleagues across the UK
  • Scotia Bank – Now in our 2nd year

Programme sponsorship

Programme sponsorship can provide your organisation with a range of inspiring ways to work with communities across the UK.

  • Sponsor a Green Gym – help improve the health and wellbeing of participants, put your organisation at the heart of the community and create sustainable outdoor places.
  • Sponsor a community outdoor space – develop a long-term relationship with your local community by providing the practical support needed to create and secure the future of their precious green spaces.
  • Sponsor a project or cause unique to you? – TCV can bring to life and deliver green space project that aligns to and supports your CSR ambitions

We’d love to tell you more

Please email to discuss a tailored solution to suit your organisation.

Partnering with TCV has created the perfect opportunity to connect Sky’s volunteering programme, Sky Cares, to green spaces across the UK. Not only have TCV helped hundreds of Sky volunteers to successfully give back to their local communities, but it has also enabled us to support those outdoor environments which are so important for our health and wellbeing.

Nicola Chapman, Sky Head of Communities