Trainees were supported to help to deliver a range of Environmental Volunteering Management Modules to embed the learning they undertook. Their role is extremely important to the wider sector and will include training, mentoring, supporting and coaching, thereby improving and expanding the infrastructure of support from environmental volunteering organisations and local community groups for local community action.
The advisory group and many other organisations in the sector have materials already. The aim was to update and share these materials through this project for the benefit of the whole sector and the many smaller organisations and groups who drive local community action.
The resultant module materials can be used in a formal training course, informal gathering, workshop, meeting, open day, on site demonstration, online or any other opportunity to for people to learn a bit more about engaging with volunteers in taking action. The course content has been created to allow use by any environmental sector organisation of any size; it contains agreed generic information, with the option to include local organisational specific information. There is no copyright.
These modules are open for use by anybody in the sector.