The Watford Green Gym will celebrate its 3rd anniversary next Tuesday 13th August at Knutsford Playing Fields 11am-1.30pm. We will be making bird boxes and insect homes, there will be a volunteer led guided walk of some of the great work the group has done to improve the sites along the River Colne, certificates of appreciation for long standing members of the group and refreshments with a celebratory cake. The Mayor of Watford Dorothy Thornhill will be attending to thank the volunteers and hand out certificates.
Over the course of the last 3 years the Green Gym has completed an amazing 10,674 volunteer hours, 333 tasks involving 312 volunteers on 12 sites in Watford. In that time they have planted wildflower meadows, coppiced trees, planted a number of hedgerows and built dead hedges, an otter holt and stag beetle loggeries, cleared a derelict site to create a flourishing community garden and spent hundreds of hours scything, bramble bashing and litter picking to name just some of the many tasks.
The group is a truly committed lot coming out twice a week in rain, sleet, snow and sunshine. Many of the volunteers have been with the group from it's inception and have become great friends though they are extremely welcoming to all new volunteers ensuring everyone enjoys their time with Watford Green Gym.