TCV Scotland’s accredited learning programmes are delivered outdoors with environmental conservation as the main focus of hands-on practical activity. We offer a range of short and long term accredited environmental employability programmes for people aged 16 and over, regardless of level of experience, disability or background. We are a registered centre with The Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) and we can also incorporate the John Muir Award, HSE and Lantra accredited training into all of our programmes.
How can we help your organisation and trainees?
Each programme is tailored to the needs of the group/client in terms of duration, location and accredited award level linked to where they are on the employability pipeline. At the heart of the programme, we aim for progression, confidence building and skills development. The outdoor seting (e.g. park, greenspace, garden) allows participants to gain a range of practical skills such as woodland management, tree planting, raised bed building and habitat creation. If you are supporting people who are looking to increase their skills and confidence to gain employment, our accredited learning programmes would be a valuable addition to their CV as 90% of our ‘graduates’ go on to employment, volunteering or further education. We are experienced at supporting vulnerable individuals to gain accredited learning as these programmes involve fun, practical nature-based activities with minimal classroom and writing time. Following are details of courses we currently offer…
It was really relaxed and a great laugh. The trainer was really easy to talk to. The role play was hilarious! – Accredited learning participant, East Lothian
Just wanted to say the course was really well run. I found that not only did it reinforce a lot of what I knew but also highlighted things I wouldn’t have thought of. The practical exercise was good fun and educational. – Accredited learning participant, Glasgow
Employability in the Outdoors Award (SCQF 4)
TCV Scotland’s Employability in the Outdoors Award is unique as it is an outdoor-delivered introduction to the world of work for those who have low confidence/skills and are unsure about how to gain and sustain employment. Training is delivered over five themed days and additional units in Work Experience and Enterprise can be added to the award. Timing for delivery of the award is flexible e.g. five consecutive days or one day a week over five weeks. As well as gaining an SQA-accredited award, participants will get the chance to meet with environmental employers, apply for jobs in the sector and take part in mock interviews.
Really nice to do something new, learn about responsibilities and take it more into consideration than you normally would – Employability Award participant, East Lothian
The training yesterday was really good. I think the mock interview has really helped my confidence – Employability Award participant, Glasgow
Land-based Environmental Employability Programme (SCQF level 3 and 4)
This programme is a 13 week accredited award which provides work experience and employability training using a range of environmental activities (e.g. landscaping, horticulture, heritage conservation) at a range of local green spaces. The programme is aimed at stage 3 (vocational training) clients of all ages. Delivered over five days each week, the programme trainees will complete 3,900 hours per programme to gain 10 accredited units. There are up to eight places for trainees on each programme. TCV works with Local Authority Employability Services, schools and colleges to develop clear referral routes which can target specific groups of stage 3 (vocational training) clients depending on local needs or specific funding requirements.
For further information about opportunities in your area, please get in touch:
Dave Alcorn, Skills Development Officer
TCV Scotland
The Granary
44 Mortonhall Gate
EH16 6TJ
Tel: 0131 664 6170
Mobile: 07917 436484