Submit your tick sighting Important: Please don’t go out looking for ticks! If you/someone you know/your child/pet get bitten, then please let us know by filling in this short form:Date of sighting(Required) DD slash MM slash YYYY What was the tick seen on/removed from? Adult Child Cat Dog Other Location – Please estimate the geographical location the tick was seen or picked up (Grid Reference or Post Code preferred)(Required)Please estimate the type of terrain the tick was seen or picked up from Garden Urban park Woodland Beach Grassy Field Bracken Heather Bog Stone/tarmac paths Other Please tell us what the 'other' type of terrain isHave you ever seen deer in this area?(Required) Yes No Don’t know If yes, please tell us moreWhich of these statements best describe how you spend time outdoors (such as nature reserves, walking paths, hiking etc)? I use outdoor spaces very regularly, walking weekly or more I use outdoor spaces somewhat regularly I use outdoor spaces infrequently I do not normally use outdoor spaces None of these statements apply Do you have anything else to add?You can use this space to tell us about your experience with ticks and tick-borne diseases, with the confidence that anything you share will only be used anonymously.Where did you hear about the "What makes viruses tick?" project?Photo uploadAccepted file types: jpg, gif, png, jpeg, Max. file size: 5 MB.Would you like to be kept up to date about how your submission has been used and the progress of our project? No thanks Yes please Would you like to contribute to an educational tool about ticks and tick-borne disease protection in Scotland? No thanks Yes please Consent I give consent for the What makes viruses project to use and/or share my picture/anecdotal information for the purposes of raising awarenessEmailIf you would be happy for us to contact you about your submission, or to register your interest in becoming one of our community partners in the Highlands & Islands, please enter your email address. Please note we will only use this information for this purpose, and will not contact you for any other reason. CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ