Many schools tell us that they would like to visit the Centre but struggle with transport costs, so we have relaunched our Flying Slug outreach project to help! We will use your school grounds to deliver exciting outdoor learning sessions.
Sessions cost £200 +VAT for a half day or £300 +VAT for a full day’s activities.
Sessions currently available
Key Stage 1
Wild Literacy: Little Red Riding Hood, Gruffalo, Bear Hunt
We bring the stories to life for the children by taking the book outdoors, running teamwork, nature crafts, and imaginative activities related to the theme of the story.
Minibeasts in their Habitats
After playing some minibeast games with your class, our expert Flying Slugs will help your children to hunt out the beasties living in the different habitats to be found within the school grounds. We will also bring our portable pond so that children can meet tiny creatures of the deep face-to-face in your classroom.
Wild in the Playground
We have developed this session to offer schools a way of experiencing the Wild in the Woods sessions that we run at Skelton Grange in your school grounds. The session focuses on helping children to develop teamwork and communication skills in an outdoor setting, through games and challenges, crafts and shelter building. It offers the opportunity for children to enjoy playing together in nature. We can finish the session by making sparks with firesteels and having a small fire.
Key Stage 2
Stone Age
The session begins with a timeline looking at the evolution of hominid species and technologies over the duration of the Stone Age. We then focus on practising the skills that hunters needed to be successful: observation, stealth, hiding and throwing. Finally, children get to have a go at some Stone Age camp skills such as making cordage from natural fibres, making clay thumb pots and building shelters. We finish the session discussing Stone Age fire-lighting techniques and cooking food to share around a small campfire.
Animals in their Habitats
After an introduction to the theme and a few games, children will identify and explore the different school grounds habitats and find which creatures live there. If your school has a pond then we will lead a pond dip there, and if not then we will bring our portable pond to your classroom so that children can carefully study and identify the creatures. We will discuss how pond creatures are adapted to living in the pond habitat, and how they change over their life cycles.
We will then travel across the world using our habitat mats to discuss how animals are adapted to different habitats across the world.
We introduce the idea of classification through the observation of features. This leads into looking at the model of classification and how this was devised by Carl Linnaeus. Children will learn the different kingdoms and attempt to classify some organisms. We then focus on careful observation skills by doing detailed scientific drawings of plants and practising using identification keys for the pond creatures that we bring in our portable pond.
Wild in the Playground
We have developed this session to offer schools a way of experiencing the Wild in the Woods sessions that we run at Skelton Grange in your school grounds. The session focuses on helping children to develop teamwork and communication skills in an outdoor setting, through games and challenges, crafts and shelter building. It offers the opportunity for children to enjoy playing together in nature. We can finish the session by making sparks with firesteels and having a small fire.
Anything else?
If you would like us to run a session that is not currently available then we may be able to accommodate this if you contact us directly.
For more information about sessions please contact