The Conservation Volunteers in Norwich work on various sites in and around Norwich, many of the sites we work on regularly which is nice for the volunteers as they can see the benefits of the work they do.
Marston Marshes is a Local Nature Reserve which forms part of the Yare Valley walk, it is an attractive marsh with a good variety of plants, especially spring meadow flowers. In the past TCV volunteers have mowed and raked the meadows to increase species diversity. In January TCV Norwich replaced some worn out wooden steps to make them safe for walkers on the marsh.
Mousehold Heath is another site TCV Volunteers work on regularly. Up until the early 1900s Mousehold Heath was open countryside with few trees, a classic heathland landscape. Today the heath is mostly woodland with a few areas of heathland which is managed by our volunteers. We bash bracken, pulling bracken, and cut down brambles to give the heather a chance to grow. Plants include bell heather, ling, broom, and common, western and dwarf gorse. Wildlife includes woodland birds, lizards, butterflies, dragonflies and small mammals. As well as birds there are green and greater-spotted woodpeckers, and occasionally sparrowhawks and kestrels.
More details about volunteering in Norwich and all over Norfolk