New Partnership Brings Tree Planting To DofE Gold Awards

As a legacy of The Queen’s Green Canopy (QGC), an exciting new tree planting partnership has formed between two of the UK’s most inspiring youth and environmental charities – The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (DofE) and The Conservation Volunteers (TCV).

This partnership, which will initially be piloted, will offer young people the opportunity to take part in community-based tree planting activities as part of the Volunteering section of their Gold DofE Awards.

In a unique tribute to Queen Elizabeth II and The Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh founder and former Patron of both the DofE and TCV, this new partnership reflects Queen Elizabeth’s love of nature throughout Her 70-year reign, and the former Duke of Edinburgh, who championed youth and environmental initiatives throughout his lifetime.

Bringing together grassroots-led tree planting with the passion for volunteering and social action of DofE participants, the partnership will be an effective way for young people to engage with their local communities and make a practical contribution to the environment.

Now an Approved Activity Provider for the DofE, TCV will provide support and advice to Gold DofE participants as they undertake a green skills or tree planting project for at least 12 months. This will include mentoring and guidance on fundraising, planning, planting, and aftercare to enable young people to flourish and grow in confidence, and develop skills including people management, communication and planning.

The partnership embodies the spirit of The Queen’s Green Canopy, which saw volunteers from across the nation come together to plant trees in honour of Queen Elizabeth to benefit future generations.

Rebecca Kennelly, Executive Director of UK Operations for the DofE, said:

“We know young people doing their DofE are passionate about taking action to protect our environment and contributing to a greener world – so it’s brilliant that they can now take part in accessible, meaningful and high-quality volunteering projects with The Conservation Volunteers while working towards their Gold Awards.

“It’s also a fitting legacy for The Queen’s Green Canopy, giving young people an opportunity to make a positive, sustainable change in their communities for many years to come.”

Darren York, CEO, TCV said:

It’s increasingly recognised that climate change cannot be tackled without restoring nature, and The Conservation Volunteers believes that nature cannot be restored without engaging people to understand, care for and protect it. We’re delighted to be working with The Queen’s Green Canopy and The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award on this new programme that will equip young people with means to take practical action and inspire others to join them.” 

Dan Rex, CEO, Queen’s Green Canopy said:

”The participation and enthusiasm of youth groups to plant trees across the nation as part of the QGC has been truly inspiring. We are delighted to see the launch of this exciting pilot programme to further encourage and support our young people to develop knowledge and skills in tree planting.  With The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, as former Patron of both The DofE and TCV, it is a particularly fitting and special addition to the legacy of The Queen’s Green Canopy, in the name of Queen Elizabeth.”


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