People on a conservation project

TCV in Northern Ireland

A better environment is at the core of everything The Conservation Volunteers does.

We work to give everyone access to a good quality natural environment where biodiversity is enhanced, and environmental inequalities, along with the social and economic consequences, are minimised.

We also believe that the quality of our natural environment is a powerful driver of health and well-being. Our Green Gyms, a social alternative to conventional gyms, promote better health and well-being.

Where we are - offices and activities

Find your local TCV office and see what activities are running using the map below. Please call the local office to confirm there is space before attending TCV events.

Contact TCV in Northern Ireland

The Conservation Volunteers
Beech House
159 Ravenhill Road

Find a local TCV office

Telephone: 028 9064 5169


The Conservation Volunteers in Northern Ireland is able to work with people and communities to transform their health, prospects and outdoor places because of the generous support of many different organisations and individuals – thank you.