Growing trees from seed at TCV’s Tree Nursery (and 6 reasons why trees are important)
With the support of our incredible volunteers, TCV’s Tree Nursery team in Northern Ireland collects seed from local trees, germinating and growing over 65,000 native Irish trees every year to repopulate planting projects from Bellcoo to Ballycastle.…
1,078,000 trees. That’s the number of trees The Conservation Volunteers’ partnership with OVO Energy celebrated being planted with their I Dig Trees programme in 2019.…
Article Written by TCV Volunteer Officer, John Bark Article updated November 2020
Since TCV and OVO Energy launched the I Dig Trees campaign back in 2015, well over one million free trees have been allocated to public places, with individual volunteers and community groups helping to get them planted across the UK…..…
How can we fit more trees into an urban landscape? Miyawaki is the future!
We hear most days that in order to slow the decline in biodiversity, combat species loss and reduce the effects of climate change we need more trees, everywhere.…